Sunday, February 4, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings

Saturday, December 16. 2006

Tonight marks the first installment of my adventure into ecommerce! As they say: "In the Beginning!" - only kidding - I think that is just slightly too corny! In reality I have been considering starting some sort of online business for the past couple of years. I have always found the internet to be a fascinating place. I think my favorite commercial that I have seen was the one with a picture of a completely frazzled looking man sitting in front of his computer, with the computer stating: "You have reached the end of the internet!" The poor guy was just sitting there not knowing what to do next. I thought that was a great commercial, even though I don't remember what product they were promoting at the time, but it was quite funny. My point here is that the internet is such a vast, overreaching repository of links to information that it is simply amazing how vast it actually is. It is like the universe - ever expanding and never ending! I think all of us can relate to that guy. Who hasn't had the experience where they started out on one site and found an interesting link, and another, and another, and another - when all of a sudden you realize 3 hours has passed and you never did quite find the information you were originally looking for, but you just had the most amazing experience doing as they say: "Surfing the Net!"

That is one of the reasons I was prompted to become involved in this ecommerce adventure, the idea that maybe I could make $$$ at something that was fun, together with the idea that maybe I could end up doing well enough so that I wouldn't have to go to my good paying, nice, comfortable, executive-like job everyday, where we all end up like "cubicle praire dogs" who pop their head up when people walk by, and where after a certain # of years they say thanks for the great job you did - then "NEXT!!!" No - I see this as a way to escape the terminal boredom that comes with being part of a cube dwelling, mind-numbing, life-squelching experience that man was not meant to endure. This can be my opportunity to help others to start their own home internet based business, make some money for my family and I, and to have some fun while doing it.

So, let's turn to the internet - the ultimate escapist adventure that you can experience right from your desktop computer!

Tonight we will begin a review of the beginning of my exploration of all of the possible ecommerce alternatives that exist, trying to figure out which ones are legitimate and which ones are the quick buck scam artists that promise you the world in 5 minutes. The online version of the info-mercials that plague late night television. You know - just send $29.95 to us right now, while we are running this special and you too can become an overnight millionaire!!! and I still believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny too! Unfortunately, there are still plenty of people who are desperate enough to believe, that they will part with their hard earned money in search of a dream. In all fairness many of these so-called legitimate online business offers actually look pretty good. I can understand how normally careful people can be taken in by them, sadly only to find out later that they didn't get what they were promised. As our parents always told us: "If it sounds to good to be true, then it is too good to be true!"

Now that I have finshed preaching to the world, buyer beware, etc. I would like to say that there are a tremendous number of excellent, legitimate business opportunities available online today. It is an exciting time to become involved with the internet and all that it has to offer. You just need to use what they call Due Diligence, combined with motivation, and persistance to be successful online, just like in the brick and motar world that we grew up in. Next week I will discuss and share how my initial research went and together with some of the decisions I made to actually begin my business.

Thanks for listening and if you have anything to share please feel free to comment. Stop back next week for more entertainment and information. Merry Xmas to everyone!

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