Thursday, February 8, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - IV


Hello to everyone. I hope everyone had a great week. I sure did and as you may have guessed, I am from New England (no kidding!!!) and I am a completely devoted fan of the New England Patriots. I was very excited to see them beat the NY Jets today. Next stop: San Diego!

Ok, enough about the football game. The real reason you are probably reading this posting isn't for my humor or my sports likes and dislikes, but to find some information that may be helpful to you with your online business. As I stated last week I plan to discuss buying, selling and marketing on eBay this week.

Through all of the research I did in respect to buying, selling and marketing on eBay I realized one huge fact: that there is a tremendous amount of duplicative information out there. It reminds me of the old advertisements on TV for the "Ronco Vegematic - It slices, It dices, It chops, etc., etc. - all for $9.99!" I think you get the picture here. So my advice to you is:

In the beginning spend a lot of time on the eBay site. By looking at other peoples' listings, by buying on eBay, by reading all of the tutorials, going to the chat rooms, etc. you can find and learn 99% of what you need to about how eBay works. To make it real easy to navigate around on their site use the SITE MAP page. Make sure you bookmark this page. It makes it so much easier vs. clicking around on multiple pages and trying to find this or that page later on.

Once you become familiar with eBay there are a lot of resources available to assist you. It all depends on what your goals are. My advice is to take your time and evaluate everything very carefully before you give someone some of your hard earned money. Like a good carpenter: measure twice and cut once!

I found these two free ebooks to be very helpful. They are a good source of information on buying and selling on eBay. They are written by a man named Terry Gibbs. He is an eBay Powerseller who has been selling on eBay for the past 5 years or so. To get your FREE copy of his ebooks click on these links:

Here are some additional links to help you out:

Thank you for stopping by this week. I hope you find the information provided above to be helpful to you. I hope you have a great week and make sure you stop back next week to see the next posting for more helpful and sometimes entertaining information. Remember to cheer on the Patriots unless you are a San Diego fan. GO PATS!!!

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