Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - Part X

Welcome to this weeks' Ecommerce Beginnings article. After the past month of persistent cold we finally got a taste of spring today, with the temperature around 50 degrees, together with bright sunshine and light winds. So, my friend and I took a ride during lunch down to the beach (we work less than a mile from the ocean in Rhode Island. Yeah, I can hear everyone now - tough life right?) and watched around 20 people who were surfing on some really good waves. Dreams of the summer that is soon to be!

Well with the approaching spring there are several large New England Product Tradeshows coming up. They are the 23rd annual
New England Products Trade Show on March 17-19, the Cape Cod Gift Show on March 18 and 19, and the New England Gift Show on Oct. 1-3. All three of these shows showcase the "Made in New England" product theme. Together there are several hundred unique "Made in New England" product manufacturers represented at these shows. So, if you are looking for products to sell on your online business, be it on eBay or on your main business website, don't miss the opportunity to check out one or all of these shows.

Lately, in addition to focusing on fine tuning and the marketing of Original New England Enterprises , I have been working on the development of my next website. The idea with this site is for it to complement Original New England Enterprises by focusing on the "Made in New England" product theme/niche. The name of this site is going to be Best New England Made. My goal is to have this new site online by the middle of March at the latest, to coincide with the spring "Made in New England" product shows.

The focus and goal of this site, as reflected by its' name: "Best New England Made" will be to showcase the made in New England product niche. Additionally, as part of this site, we will be providing a free, comprehensive database of New England manufacturers, as a complement to the services we offer with Original New England Enterprises complete Ecommerce Solutions. So, now you will have the ability and option to:

  • build your complete ecommerce business
  • have access to a unique, focused and in-demand product supply
  • have the complete tools required to effectively market this business online
  • be one of the top 1% of the people who know how to sell online.

Whew - that was a mouthful! It almost sounds too good to be true, but in this case it is 100% true and backed by solid guarantees! The key is to follow the process that is taught in these solutions, by working smarter, not harder and by being persistent in your quest for success.

There is a fantastic book that I think everyone would benefit from by reading. It is: Pushing Up People, by Art Williams. You can find this amazing book on The main idea of this book is that by showing others how to be successful that you too will become successful. I hope you take the time to read this. I truely believe you will benefit from this if you do.

As always, I wish you the best in your success!

We hope you found this weeks' article helpful. Make sure you stop back each week for our latest installment. Take care and have a great week!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - Part IX

Hello and welcome back to this weeks' article on Ecommerce Beginnings.

Well I think we all know what time of year it is, don't we. Yes - it's tax time. This is that wonderful time of year when we need to make sure that all of our records are in order so we can submit our tax forms to Uncle Sam and hopefully don't have to pay any additional taxes.

This year will be my first year completing my taxes as an official business. I incorporated as a single owner LLC. This means that any income, etc. will pass through the corporation and will be treated as personal income. Well, I started off the year doing everything I thought I was supposed to do correctly. I went out and bought Quickbooks Professional and spent some time setting up my company file, with the chart of accounts, etc. This program is an excellent and fairly straightforward piece of valuable software to keep your books with. Don't just take my word for it, you can trust the thousands of other satisfied customers opinions on this matter.

Well, I kept fairly good records throughout the year, but I didn't enter the information into Quickbooks like I should have. This neccessitated me spending an entire day with a friend who is an accountant to input all of my data around 2 weeks ago. I learned a valuable lesson here, because it can be difficult to try to remember what all of the transactions were throughout the year and we know what the result of this can be - CHAOS!!!, which for people who are over 40 know is the opposite of CONTROL. Remember: GET SMART!

The end result is that I now have a nice, well organized balance sheet, a profit & loss statement together with all of my records now accurately documented. I also have a clear picture of the current state of my new business. Shame on me for not doing this along the way, but I definitely learned my lesson going forward.

Two links that I am recommending:
QuickBooks and Janelle Elms to help you with your finances and general business advice. Both are excellent sources of information to guide you in your business.

That's it for this week. I hope you have a great week and please stop back next week for another informative and possibly entertaining article.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - VIII

Welcome back to Ecommerce Beginnings. This weeks' posting is a little late because I have been having some issues with my website and its' ranking on Google. You see, my main site: has been, as they say: "kicking butt" in all of the search engines, with a large number of #1's for multiple keyword combinations. That was until this past week when my site all but disappeared from the Google pages. What happened??? I had no idea, so I started to do some research. It seems that there is some sort of a correlation between my website and the service I had been using for my blogging posts (Serendipity). Each time that I sent out a new post on my blog approximately two days later my website would drop out of site on Google, to reappear a few days later after the Gogglebot had revisited.

Now, I'm not positive about the correlation between Serendipity and my website. I have also been using pinging services each time I send out a new posting. These services are Pinggoat and RSS Junky. This issue has only effected my rankings on Google. My rankings have not been effected on Yahoo, MSN, AlltheWeb,etc. by this. It is definitely perplexing!!!

My inability to solve this problem has led me to shift my postings to this venue (Google Blogger). Maybe that will solve this problem. If anyone has had a similar problem or knows of a solution to this please let me know ASAP! If your solution works I will put your children through college. I will paint your house for free - you get the idea!!!

That's it for this week. As always: Thanks for stopping by and please stop back next week for some more interesting and hopefully informative information.

Ecommerce Beginnings - VII

Monday, January 29. 2007

Welcome back for this week's article on Ecommerce Beginnings. I hope everyone had a great week!


During the past few weeks I did a lot of research on Email Management Services providers. I needed to find a solution to manage my email marketing efforts. So, like many people I went to the Google Search Engine and typed in: email marketing solution. This query returned 4,120,000 possible results. What to do next? To save some time I pretty much did what most people probably do - I investigated the options presented on the first page. All of a sudden I was faced with another entirely new language to learn. Terms like: permission based email marketing, pop-up creator, double opt-in confirmation, unlimited autoresponders, and on and on the list went????


I ended up narrowing the list down to 4 different email marketing solutions. I read each of their features offered lists, checked out their price options, some were by the month, some were set up to charge based on the number of emails sent each month, some were set up based on your birth date, combined with your mother's maiden name and if anyone on the list was named Smith.

Well, I almost felt like this after trying to compare all of the apples to apples to oranges options offered by each company. In fact most of the options were very similar, which made the decision process a little more difficult.

Note: I am currently signed up to recieve several ezines from well known and reputable businesses and online marketing gurus. Each one seems to use a different provider and they each mention how happy they are with their email service provider. Just another curveball thrown at me in the decision process.

Well, I like things to be fairly straightforward and simple. You know, I like lots of features, but I also like the options to be easy to understand and implement. I don't need to load my brain up with too much more as it is! I ended up choosing GetResponse because of several factors:

* their website layout (logical and well organized)
* online video tutorials (very helpful - also provided in PDF format)
* streamlined plans to choose from (you know the KISS principle)
* and last, but not least, their pricing, (either a limited free plan to start out with, or a Pro version)

Note: You know those marketing types. They use terms like: basic, intermediate, etc. and then they use the term: "PRO"! Well, who wouldn't want to be a user of the "PRO" version? Doesn't "PRO" sound so much cooler? Guess which one I chose? Those marketing people are geniuses aren't they?

Learning to Use

As I mentioned above, GetResponse has 4 well organized videos that you can watch to learn "how to" set-up and manage your email marketing campaigns. I will admit that I watched the videos twice. It definitely helped and was prompted more by my lack of knowledge in this area.

I decided that I wanted my website's newsletter to be formatted on one of my website pages vs just a text email message with links. I felt that this was a better choice for marketing purposes. Next I had to create several new web pages and an opt-in form. Click here to see the NEW FORM

The new pages I created were to support the process of capturing an email address, verifying they meant to make this choice, sending another email for their free e-book download, then the actual newsletter notification email, the newsletter itself, with the multiple articles and product download options. Whew!!! It was a lot of work, but I actually enjoyed it. I was just like a proud new father showing off his new child to the world! Click here to see my 1st NEWSLETTER Please let me know what you think of the newsletter and/or if you would like to see other options/choices offered in it.


As I stated above there were many excellent email marketing solution options available to choose from. Here are links to 4 that I felt were the best options to choose from:

* GetResponse
* Constant Contact
* Aweber
* Vertical Response

I'm sure there are more excellent options available, I just didn't have the time to keep researching all of them. I hope this information proves helpful to you. Make sure you stop back next week for another entertaining and informative article and Have a great week!

Ecommerce Beginnings - VI

Monday, January 22. 2007

Welcome back for this weeks article on Ecommerce Beginnings. Where to begin? Well, as anyone who is a football fan is surely aware of, the New England Patriots fell a little short in their quest to return to the Super Bowl for a 4th time in 6 years. My congratulations to them for an excellent season!

The reason I keep discussing the Patriots is because, to me, they are the epitomy of an organization that excels at getting the most out of their abilities. This ability to excel under constantly changing and demanding circumstances is a blueprint for success that everyone who wishes to be successful should follow. As the quote says: " People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!"

Don't Let This Happen to YOU!

Now, getting back to two articles ago, I left you with some advice on thoroughly learning the eBay system. Once you establish yourself and become comfortable using eBay, i.e. have hopefully made a few purchases, possibly listed an item for sale and completed a sale or two. That is great! You should be feeling more comfortable and understanding how everything works.

To expand on this I recommend you go to the eBay Site Map, then go to the Selling Tools section. You'll find a complete listing of all of the tools that are available to support and to develop your selling ability on eBay in this section, both within eBay and through third-party solutions. Again, a word of caution - investigate each and every option very carefully. Be smart - check out each company before you make a decision. Look for independent reviews to see what others are saying about them.

Here are a couple of excellent sources of information to help you out:

Remember, don't forget to check out the
eBay Workshops. They are another great source of relevant information to help you.

Thanks for stopping by this week. I hope you have a great week and make sure you stop back next week to see the next posting for more helpful and sometimes entertaining information.

Ecommerce Beginnings - V


Welcome back for this weeks article on Ecommerce Beginnings. Believe me when I say I almost needed a tranquilizer to calm me down after yesterday's New England vs San Diego playoff game. Again, the Patriots (the cardiac kids) came through in the clutch. The way they accomplish the goals they set is amazing. Congratulations to the New England Patriots on another hard fought victory!

The reason I am starting out discussing the Patriots is two-fold. First, I am a Patriots fan, but second, and more importantly, because the New England Patriots are the role model for success. They continuously accomplish what they set out to, many times against huge adversity. Their success isn't predicated on having a large ensemble of superstars on their team. It isn't predicated on luck either. What their success is predicated on is a result of excellent planning, determination, hard work, execution and a firm belief in their ability to succeed. People say that they get lucky. I say that they make their own luck through their dedication, consistency and belief in their system.

My word of advice to anyone who wants to be successful with their home based business is to look at who is already successful, be it in business, sports, or any other area of life. There is a consistent theme to the successful people/organizations in this world. We know that it isn't always the most talented who are successful, but usually those who are better prepared, better prepared to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves in the face of constant change. That is who is usually successful.

I don't mean to be too preachy this week, but I want to make sure that everyone understands that it is really hard to keep your eye on the ball, to remain focused 110% of the time on your success. That is probably one of the reasons that 90% of new businesses fail within the first year or so. Be like the Patriots, the model of consistency, the model for taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves and doing something purposeful with them. There is a reason that they continue to be so successful year in and year out.

For anyone who is looking for some great ideas to implement for their own personal success, check this out. I'm currently reading a great book that I believe anyone who is considering becoming or is already involved with an online business should read. It is: SUCCESS SECRETS OF THE ONLINE MARKETING SUPERSTARS by Mitch Meyerson. I picked up my copy at a local Barnes & Noble. I'm sure it is available in through many different outlets. This book contains interviews with 24 of the top internet marketers in the world today. They share their proven strategies for making money online.

Note: I have no affilliation with the sale of this book. My recommendation is strictly based on my belief that it is an excellent source of information that will help you to be successful with your online business.

That's it for this week. I hope you found the above to be helpful and informative. Please stop by next week to read the latest installment of Ecommerce Beginnings. Thanks and have a great week. Oh yeah, don't forget to cheer on the Patriots in next week's game. GO PATS!!!

Ecommerce Beginnings - IV


Hello to everyone. I hope everyone had a great week. I sure did and as you may have guessed, I am from New England (no kidding!!!) and I am a completely devoted fan of the New England Patriots. I was very excited to see them beat the NY Jets today. Next stop: San Diego!

Ok, enough about the football game. The real reason you are probably reading this posting isn't for my humor or my sports likes and dislikes, but to find some information that may be helpful to you with your online business. As I stated last week I plan to discuss buying, selling and marketing on eBay this week.

Through all of the research I did in respect to buying, selling and marketing on eBay I realized one huge fact: that there is a tremendous amount of duplicative information out there. It reminds me of the old advertisements on TV for the "Ronco Vegematic - It slices, It dices, It chops, etc., etc. - all for $9.99!" I think you get the picture here. So my advice to you is:

In the beginning spend a lot of time on the eBay site. By looking at other peoples' listings, by buying on eBay, by reading all of the tutorials, going to the chat rooms, etc. you can find and learn 99% of what you need to about how eBay works. To make it real easy to navigate around on their site use the SITE MAP page. Make sure you bookmark this page. It makes it so much easier vs. clicking around on multiple pages and trying to find this or that page later on.

Once you become familiar with eBay there are a lot of resources available to assist you. It all depends on what your goals are. My advice is to take your time and evaluate everything very carefully before you give someone some of your hard earned money. Like a good carpenter: measure twice and cut once!

I found these two free ebooks to be very helpful. They are a good source of information on buying and selling on eBay. They are written by a man named Terry Gibbs. He is an eBay Powerseller who has been selling on eBay for the past 5 years or so. To get your FREE copy of his ebooks click on these links:

Here are some additional links to help you out:

Thank you for stopping by this week. I hope you find the information provided above to be helpful to you. I hope you have a great week and make sure you stop back next week to see the next posting for more helpful and sometimes entertaining information. Remember to cheer on the Patriots unless you are a San Diego fan. GO PATS!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - Part III

Tuesday, January 2. 2007

Happy New Year to everyone!
This past holiday weekend definitely turned out differently than I expected. My plan for the weekend was pretty straightforward. I just took out a subscription to to manage my email autoresponders, online newsletters, opt-in forms, etc. So, the plan was to spend a few hours watching GetRespones' video tutorials to learn how all of this works and to enjoy some "New Year festivities". That was plan A. Plan B - which is what usually happens, turned out to be much different.

First, I recieved an email from one of the companys that I market products for - WorldWide Brands. They market themselves as the "#1 online wholesale products/legitimate wholesalers information source on the web" to source products to sell online or from your brick & motar business. Well, they had mentioned in their previous affiliate newsletter that the new year would bring some major surprises. They hit the nail on the head with that statement! They have completely retooled their website from offering a suite of products to one expanded and consolidated offering. They even changed the name of their products from "Premium Product Sourcing Package" to "OneSource". Once you spend some time reviewing the changes, they all make perfect sense (take it from the expert here!). I think the marketing of this product has improved immensely with these changes. Hopefully this will result in improved sales for both the company and their affiliates (of which I am one). This change required me to retool the webpage that I have for Worldwide Brands products (2hrs).

Next, I am part of a "Value Exchange" through This is a free, mutual "link exchange" program offered through SitebuildIt for qualified sites. Well, this email contained an offer to obtain a one-way link from this person's "high traffic and high page rank" website to mine, if I would become an affiliate to market his program. I believe everyone is aware of how beneficial it is to have as many one-way links from high quality websites that link to your site. I spent some time evaluating the offer, checked out his sites, etc. and decided that his offer made perfect sense. The service that he promotes is complementary to a service that I offer on my site. This required some retooling on my SitebuildIt Reference & Resources page and the creation of 5 new webpages to display informational articles to go with this (2.5hrs).

As a "new" webmaster, I have solicited advice from friends and also asked them to review my site, i.e. play the role of both customer and editor for me. Sometimes you are too close to something to see what is very obvious to others, so I always try to get some independent and honest feedback. One of my "editors" called me and discussed several items on a few of my webpages. I tried to remain objective. See I said: "tried". I then proceeded to tell him that the site was fine the way it is and that he was basically brain dead for suggesting the changes that he did! (I didn't do this - honest!) He actually had some excellent recommendations, which I then proceeded to implement. (4hrs)

By now I was beginning to see a pattern developing here. I was now full-tilt into Plan B mode! Plan A was long gone! While I was making all of these changes, with my keen eye for things, I spotted several other areas that were open for improvement (3hrs). To sum it all up this is what happened vs. Plan A:
Rewrote 3 web pages
Added 5 new web pages
Tweaked 4 web pages
Established links with two high traffic sites
Formed an affiliate relationship with another company
Opened a Google Adwords account and created two campaigns and a partridge in a pear tree...

Looking at this list, I actually did get quite a bit of work accomplished this weekend, didn't I? It's just not what I had originally planned. My advice to everyone - when (notice I said when, not if) this happens to you, the best thing to do is to go with it. You might be surprised at the outcome. I sure was and am "positively" glad I ended up on plan B.

My apologies for going off on a tangent this week. I wanted to share this with everyone because I think it is something that has probably happened to all of us at one time or another, with my point being to remain postive throughout when it does happen to you. I'm glad I did!

Next week I will return to my theme on "ecommerce beginnings" with a discussion about buying, selling and marketing on ebay. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

Ecommerce Beginnings - Part II

Sunday, December 24. 2006

Hello to everyone on this fine Xmas eve. I guess most people are probably socializing with their families and friends at this moment, but my wife is a nurse and unfortunately she had to work this evening. The good part about that is that I now have the time to write this installment on "Ecommerce Beginnings - Part II". The reason I mentioned my wife is really to thank her. I'm sure you have heard the old saying about every great man having a great woman behind him, prodding and guiding him along, haven't you? Well in my case the part about having a great woman behind me is definitely true. My wife has been the inspiration for all that I have accomplished during this past year (my first year spent developing an ecommerce presence). To my wife and my love I say: "Thank you - from the bottom of my heart for everything that you have given me and for your patience while I have spent many hours working away on the computer during the past year!" Now, the part about a "great man", well, I think we'll leave that one alone, but this past year (actually the last 9 months, but who's counting) has been a great learning experience for me in regard to "how and what" is needed to set-up and run a home based ecommerce business. Tonight I'll share some interesting parts of this journey with you.

The most surprising revelation that I have had during my internet journey is the huge amount of time I have ended up investing in this project and how much work it has involved. I thought since everything was online that it would be much easier than the old "brick and mortar" type business. Surprise, surprise, surprise, it is different than the brick & motar world, but still a lot of work, but I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything else. I have found this to be extremely interesting, educational and a lot of fun. I guess the part about it being fun plays right into the saying: "it's a lucky person who is able to work at something they enjoy." I have definitely found something I truely enjoy here.

I started in an area that thousands of other people have started at - with eBay! The number one internet auction site. I figured that would be a good point to begin my ecommerce education. Everything about eBay makes it a natural to begin with - high amount of traffic, ease of use, tons of "how to" information right on their site, PayPal to handle the financial transactions, etc., etc.

  • Like most things in life what appears to be fairly simple and straightforward isn't. Ebay was no exception. As most people who have tried eBay are probably aware of, there is a whole cottage industry designed to support your efforts to do business with them. By nature I tend to over-analyze things to make sure that I have checked out all of the available options and finally to select the best fit for me. This was no exception. Through trial and error I made some key decisions:
    opened both a buying and a selling account on eBay
    opened an account with Paypal
    developed a listing template (purchased template development services from an ebay listing - very inexpensive: $37 for a complete template package that makes you look professional)
    developed an About me page on ebay for marketing purposes (an option that is way underutilized by most people. If you sell on eBay make sure you develop your About Me page!)
    selected a free service named Auctiva to host my pictures with, create my templates with and to schedule my auctions with. They offer additional free auction services also. You can find them at: Their site is a little balky at times if you try to access them during peak useage times, but other than that they have been outstanding. This service saves you on average .75 to $1.00 on every auction listing vs. doing it straight through eBay or by using one of the multitude of other services that are available. I am not passing judgement on the other services as to whether they are good, bad or whatever. Auctiva is just the service that met my needs and has served them well to date.
    selected some products to start listing (I have a good size collection of 78 RPM records from the 30's, 40's and 50's - all big band jazz, that I have been listing)
    did some research on pricing strategies (there are numerous strategies to choose from depending on your end goal. Some people try to get maximum price, some start out with a low price just to drive traffic to their About Me page and/or to their off eBay site (that's me) etc.)
    started listing auctions on eBay
To date I have done a couple of hundred listings and have sold around $1500 worth of product. The key idea is that it is a work in progress. I am constantly tweaking it, making minor changes, and learning more and more about what works and doesn't work in this dynamic environment. One of the most important things to focus on is your feedback rating with eBay. This is your "report card" from your customers. The goal is to get and maintain a 100% positive feedback rating. How do you do this? By providing excellent customer service. This rating is your lifeblood if you have any hope of continuing success on eBay. If you want to see an example of my About Me page and of my listings click here:

Note: I'm not listing my link above for any other reason except to show as an example.

That's it for this week. Next week I'll tell you about a few of the other services that are available to make your eBay experience work smoothly. Good night and Merry Xmas to everyone!

Ecommerce Beginnings

Saturday, December 16. 2006

Tonight marks the first installment of my adventure into ecommerce! As they say: "In the Beginning!" - only kidding - I think that is just slightly too corny! In reality I have been considering starting some sort of online business for the past couple of years. I have always found the internet to be a fascinating place. I think my favorite commercial that I have seen was the one with a picture of a completely frazzled looking man sitting in front of his computer, with the computer stating: "You have reached the end of the internet!" The poor guy was just sitting there not knowing what to do next. I thought that was a great commercial, even though I don't remember what product they were promoting at the time, but it was quite funny. My point here is that the internet is such a vast, overreaching repository of links to information that it is simply amazing how vast it actually is. It is like the universe - ever expanding and never ending! I think all of us can relate to that guy. Who hasn't had the experience where they started out on one site and found an interesting link, and another, and another, and another - when all of a sudden you realize 3 hours has passed and you never did quite find the information you were originally looking for, but you just had the most amazing experience doing as they say: "Surfing the Net!"

That is one of the reasons I was prompted to become involved in this ecommerce adventure, the idea that maybe I could make $$$ at something that was fun, together with the idea that maybe I could end up doing well enough so that I wouldn't have to go to my good paying, nice, comfortable, executive-like job everyday, where we all end up like "cubicle praire dogs" who pop their head up when people walk by, and where after a certain # of years they say thanks for the great job you did - then "NEXT!!!" No - I see this as a way to escape the terminal boredom that comes with being part of a cube dwelling, mind-numbing, life-squelching experience that man was not meant to endure. This can be my opportunity to help others to start their own home internet based business, make some money for my family and I, and to have some fun while doing it.

So, let's turn to the internet - the ultimate escapist adventure that you can experience right from your desktop computer!

Tonight we will begin a review of the beginning of my exploration of all of the possible ecommerce alternatives that exist, trying to figure out which ones are legitimate and which ones are the quick buck scam artists that promise you the world in 5 minutes. The online version of the info-mercials that plague late night television. You know - just send $29.95 to us right now, while we are running this special and you too can become an overnight millionaire!!! and I still believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny too! Unfortunately, there are still plenty of people who are desperate enough to believe, that they will part with their hard earned money in search of a dream. In all fairness many of these so-called legitimate online business offers actually look pretty good. I can understand how normally careful people can be taken in by them, sadly only to find out later that they didn't get what they were promised. As our parents always told us: "If it sounds to good to be true, then it is too good to be true!"

Now that I have finshed preaching to the world, buyer beware, etc. I would like to say that there are a tremendous number of excellent, legitimate business opportunities available online today. It is an exciting time to become involved with the internet and all that it has to offer. You just need to use what they call Due Diligence, combined with motivation, and persistance to be successful online, just like in the brick and motar world that we grew up in. Next week I will discuss and share how my initial research went and together with some of the decisions I made to actually begin my business.

Thanks for listening and if you have anything to share please feel free to comment. Stop back next week for more entertainment and information. Merry Xmas to everyone!

In The Beginning!

Wednesday, November 29. 2006

The "Best of Original New England" will be a forum where we plan to share all of our adventures as we learn how to navigate through the wilds of the Internet, to learn how to use it to successfully develop and market a new format to grow the market demand for "Made in New England" products. Join us for what should be an interesting journey, one that we hope becomes successful for us, which in turn will provide success to many others if all of our plans become a reality.
We hope you enjoy our adventure! Feel free to chime in with your comments, suggestions, etc. as you see fit. Hopefully we will all learn something useful along our way through this adventure by sharing information and helping one another.
Thank you.