Friday, September 7, 2007

Ecommerce Beginnings - XX

Welcome to this weeks' Ecommerce Beginnings article.

Two big items to share with you this week. First, while the new sites that I have been discussing are being completed I did a redesign of the existing Original New England site. This redesign consisted of linking changes utilizing internal page linking by major section of the website vs. having all links on a VERY LONG menu bar on each page. We also added two new pages to the site, one is a guest page, which was added with the idea to improve the ability of site visitors to comment and/or receive feedback on the site. The second new page is called Sitebuildit Easy, which is an informational page designed to help people to understand the Sitebuildit product.

The other big news that I would like to share ( a drumroll please!!!) is the continued climb of Original New England in the search engine rankings. For this week the site is currently ranked at 248,492 by Alexa. We couldn't be happier with this site ranking! Hopefully with the recent changes that have been implemented the site will continue to rise in the rankings.

In other news, now that summer has ended (and I have completed some other major projects) I am back to focusing my efforts to complete the major business overhaul discussed in the past several posts. My "To Do" list is now down to approximately 12 items and counting, with the #1 item still being the creation of a PHP based front-end solution for my MySQL database. Wow, it almost sounds like I actually understand all of this techie talk. Believe me, I have learned quite a bit during the past year, but I still have a long way to go, but I am a persistent type of person (and I really enjoy learning new things) so the journey continues.

Hopefully my next posting will be the announcement of the new sites going live!

That's all for this week!

As always, I wish you the best in your success! We hope you found this weeks' article helpful. Make sure you stop back each week for our latest installment. Take care and have a great week!

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